
Unlocking the mystery of CMYK gold

Golden color is one of the attractive, vibrant, and suitable colors for printing that can be printed in various ways. When produced as a spot color, this color maintains its metallic and shiny appearance, but it can also be produced in a CMYK inks.

There can be various reasons for printing gold in a process manner, such as high production costs or the inability to obtain and purchase spot ink.

Keep in mind that the metallic and shiny appearance of spot gold does not exist in CMYK printing, but by controlling the ink density, you can create something similar. There are different codes for CMYK gold.

CMYK gold Codes:

  • 20-25-95-10
  • 15-25-75-5
  • 10-45-90-10
  • 20-50-90-20
  • 40-50-95-30

"There are many colors that can be chosen or made instead of Pantone with a slight reduction in quality. Discover them."